Final Shot Revisions



KEY: Priority—must be done by Monday

            Important—must be done ASAP

            Secondary—would help the motion, but not crucial for story

            Picky—would only serve to make our film look more professional; categories include: POPS, BLINKS, C’s HAIR, and M’s GLOVES; *’s are the more glaring issues within the sub-categories

            Greenlit—finished, even with all of the other criteria considered


INTRO100 – Nick>>Aaron>>Nick

      -get rid of the big jerk in the beginning (Cuervo)

      -POPS: -*M’s left arm towards the end when lifting the glass

                  -*C’s right hand when first shaping the bell

                  -C’s right elbow midway through shaping the bell

                  -C’s left elbow just before he lets go of the instrument at the end

                  -in C’s instrument after it settles (it moves a little on its own)


TRUMP1-100  - Nick

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


TRUMP1-200  - Dean>>Nick

      -M puts the tool through the table at the end (pretty sure this is buffer—we just need to make sure that it is edited out)

      -BLINKS: -some are weird


TRUMP1-300  - Jen>>Irene

      -POPS: -C’s right and left elbows just before he hands piece to M—minor

                  -C’s right elbow just after he hands piece to M—minor

                  -*C’s left arm after he is done “guarding” piece

                  -*M’s right elbow just before he “beckons”

                  -M’s body and right arm as he approaches

      -BLINKS: -C should blink more at big stuff (ruler, M’s approach)

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


TRUMP1-400  - Daniel


TRUMP1-500  - Rachel>>Jesse

      -POPS: -*C’s head nod is snappy

                  -M’s right elbow in beginning and the end

                  -*M’s left arm as it sets the piece down

      -BLINKS: -M could blink more in the beginning

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle

      -M’s GLOVES: Left


Easy  TRUMP1-600  - Irene

      -POPS: -*M’s left arm near the beginning

                  -M’s right arm/shoulder as he begins to walk

      -BLINKS: -M’s blinks pop open too fast


Easy  TRUMP1-700  - Eugene>>Nick

      -M’s GLOVES: Left


TRUMP1-800  - Jesse

      -make tool stick more during widening

      -more finger motion on C (especially on table)

      -POPS: -snap during transition from widening to shaping

                  -*C’s left arm as he puts tool down

                  -C’s left arm before he rests it on the table

      -*C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the “problem hair” on his left side

      -*M’s GLOVES: Left


TRUMP1-900  - Jesse


TRUMP1-1000  - Dean>>Nick/Irene>>Nick

                  -change C’s pose in the beginning to one of interest, not boredom (toned down version of 800)

      -C should become more interested/happy when M approves (make approval clear), and then become disappointed when he hears the sound of the piece

      -C’s body reacts too harshly to the sound of the instrument

      -M should give one distinct nod of approval (see T1-600) after he faces C—too much unclear head movement at this point (before playing the piece)

      -change M at the end so that he is not staring into space, but at C (looks up front as he points, but then looks at and kind of subtly follows C’s motion)—end the shot with him looking in C’s general direction slightly to his right)

      -work on C getting up—he looks as though he braces himself, but he does it on thin air, not the table or chair

      -C looks as though he uses the piece to help him get up—adjust the weight shift so that it is in the center and he doesn’t need a hand to help him get up

      -have M point quicker and play the piece longer

      -the point should be more direct and linear (quicker)

      -penetration between M’s face and the piece in the beginning

      -have M open his mouth a little before blowing into the instrument

      -the way C swings the instrument as he leaves is too fast

      -M’s head should be looking at C when he hands the instrument to him, then turn as he points (turns too early)

      -M’s arms are weird at the end (gunslinger)

      -Camera: pull back a little; don’t pan so far to the right (M’s pointing arm should be more in profile and less foreshortened)

      -match body/head/facial of M to next shot (there is a time right after the point that is close)

      -hold the smile until the end

      -neutral expression as he watches C get up and step behind, then a smile at C’s seat after C is behind him

      -M’s facial expression is really static—should be approving (without really smiling) when he does the head nod, stern but not angry when he points, and transform into a very subtle smile (without teeth—see T1-1100) after C is behind his back

      -POPS: -C’s left shoulder as he gets up

                  -*M’s pointing arm is snappy as it moves into position

-*M’s left elbow pops as he points

-M’s right arm pops when he is putting the ruler away

-M’s right arm is jittery after putting the ruler away

-**instrument pops during transfer between M’s hands

-instrument pops a little during transfer from M to C

      -*C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the hairs near the back of his neck

      -*M’s GLOVES: Left


Easy  TRUMP1-1100  - Irene

      -M looking in C’s direction matched to previous shot

      -smile is good, just make extra sure that we see it very well

      -more of a transition to change of expression (see me)

      -lead with the eyes when he looks down

      -add C leaving screen right

      -start the shot in the smile position

      -have M turn his head to screen right after C leaves the frame, keep the smile for a little bit, then change the expression

      -eyes move down a little too fast

      -work on transition

      -the drop of the head and change of expression at the end need to be accelerated—the slowness makes him look sad


Easy  TRUMP1-1200  - Eugene>>Nick

      -POPS: -jittery head on C

      -*BLINKS: -there are none

      -C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the “problem hair” on his left side


Easy  BADT100  - Eugene>>Aaron>>Irene

      -facial expression of C’s “decision”—make sure that it is held long enough to be clear (hold an extra 15 frames at the end)

      -during the ending facial expression, tilt the position of the glass so that it matches the next shot

      -move piece away from his mouth to make sure that expression is clear

      -get rid of the left arm grabbing the tool which isn’t there

      -make the first smile when looking at the piece an expression of boredom

      -*BLINKS: -there are practically none

      -C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the “problem hair” on his left side


BADT200  - Dean>>Nick

      -match C to previous shot

      -C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the hairs near the back of his neck


BADT300 - Dean>>Aaron>>Nick

      -soften the neck jerk nod

      -slow the hopping

      -get rid of the weird arm left arm thing

      -there is a lot of distracting popping where the left arm thing used to be

      -POPS: -in piece near the beginning (a couple)

                  -*in right elbow (2-3 in a row in middle of shot)

                  -**throughout the shot

      -*BLINKS: -there are none—really needs them

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


DISP100  - Dean>>Nick

      -facial expression should quickly “sink” from happiness to shock and disappointment

      -*BLINKS: -there are none

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


DISP200  - Dean


DISP300  - Eugene>>Nick

      -match M’s facial expression to next shot

      -POPS: -*M’s arms

                  -C’s shoulders—minor

      -BLINKS: -M needs one


DISP400  - Jen


DISP500  - Jen>>Aaron

      -change the grin so that it starts smaller and gets close to where it is now

      -lips are moving around really strangely

      -*BLINKS: -there are none


Easy  DISP600  - Eugene>>Nick

      -POPS: -M has jittery head


DISP700  - Eugene>>Nick

      -POPS: -*jitters


Easy  DISP800  - Aaron>>Irene

      -C’s HAIR: *turn on jiggle


Easy  DISP900  - Dinh>>Jesse

      -POPS: -slight one in left arm just after turning and another after stepping—minor

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


Easy  DISP1000  - Dinh>>Jesse

      -POPS: -*a few in M’s arms

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


DISP1100  - Rachel>>Jesse

      -POPS: -*snappy motion (head mostly)


DISP1200  - Nick


AMAN100  - Dinh>>Jesse

      -POPS: -*snappy instrument

      -BLINKS: -final one is too fast


Easy  AMAN200  - Dinh>>Jesse

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


Easy  AMAN300  - Dinh>>Jesse

      -POPS: -jittery torso near the end

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


AMAN400  - Daniel>>Jesse

      -quicker punches to show anger


Easy  AMAN500  - Dinh>>Jesse

      -POPS: -C’s left elbow during the sigh

                  -torso slightly jittery during the sigh

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


AMAN600  - Aaron>>Irene

      -POPS: -*torso/belly? in the beginning for M

                  -*arm that grabs the piece is snappy while grabbing

                  -*M’s feet/legs during the walk

      -*BLINKS: -there are none


Easy  AMAN700  - Aaron>>Irene

      -POPS: -C’s torso/root pops forward near the end


Easy  AMAN800  - Aaron>>Irene

      -get rid of C’s cheesy smile at the end

      -replace it with a slight nod and a look of “I respect you, even though I don’t agree with you.”(see me)

      -POPS: -*C’s right arm/shoulder in the beginning


Easy  AMAN900  - Aaron>>Irene

      -M’s movement of the piece (Bad T) is weird

      -POPS: -M’s right arm at the very end


Easy  AMAN1000  - Aaron>>Irene

      -POPS: -C’s left arm/shoulder near the end

      -*M’s GLOVES: Right


AMAN1100  - Aaron>>Irene

      -POPS: -*C’s right arm right after grabbing the piece

                  -C’s shoulder folding while grabbing

      -*C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the hairs near the back of his neck


Easy  AMAN1200  - Jen>>Daniel>>Jesse

      -POPS: -C’s left arm/shoulder while playing the piece for the first time

      -C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the “problem hair” on his left side


Easy  AMAN1300  - Irene

      -slow down the motion so that the edit does not cut it off so abruptly (may need to add a little time to do this—okay because we are compensating for the loss of 1400)

      -*C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


AMAN1400  - Irene



AMAN1500  - Jen>>Aaron

      -extend a little to allow us to see his anger longer (1/2 second)

      -maybe a little head shake before transition of expression


DUEL100  - Daniel>>Jesse

      -POPS: -*C’s right hand in the beginning is jittering

      -*BLINKS: -there are none

      -C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the “problem hair” on his left side


DUEL200  - Rachel>>Jesse

      -POPS: -C’s left arm moves to rub his right arm in a weird way—too quick

                  -*C’s paper doll shoulder

                  -*C’s right arm hyper-extends before his piece is set down

                  -*M’s right arm is twisting/popping a lot in the beginning

      -C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the “problem hair” on his left side


DUEL300  - Aaron

      -begin the shot with a look of trying to contain himself rather than a smile

      -then, transition into anger

      -see Barbara for greenlit status

      -match C’s head position from previous shot—he is already looking at M—but make sure that we can clearly see his facial expression

      -*BLINKS: -there are none


DUEL400  - Rachel


Easy  DUEL500  - Dinh>>Aaron>>Irene

      -M’s arm is floaty

      -raise M’s R arm a little to match prev. shot

      -POPS: -in piece

                  -in M’s head near the end


DUEL600  - Rachel>>Aaron>>Irene

      -C’s eyes roll around at the end of the shot

      -POPS: -C’s head in beginning as he turns

                  -M’s head as the piece comes to him pops down

                  -M is jittery (head mostly)


DUEL700  - Dinh>>Aaron>>Irene

      -add forearm movement

      -a little quicker motion to show anger


Easy  DUEL800 – Daniel>>Jesse

      -C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle

      -M’s GLOVES: Left


Easy  DUEL900  - Daniel>>Jesse

      -C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle

      -M’s GLOVES: Left


Easy  DUEL1000  - Daniel>>Jesse

      -C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle

      -M’s GLOVES: Left


Easy  DUEL1100 – Daniel>>Jesse

      -C’s HAIR: turn on jiggle


TRUMP2-100 – Nick


TRUMP2-200  - Nick


Easy  TRUMP2-300  - Nick

      -POPS: -*M’s head too fast at the end

      -*BLINKS: -needs more


Easy  FIND100  - Nick

      -new hair on Jill

      -*BLINKS: -there are none

      -C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the hairs near the back of his neck


FIND200  - Irene

      -eyes need to look around a little

      -less head turn as she closes the door (keeps looking forward basically)

      -POPS: -*right arm in beginning and as it closes the door

                  -*left arm several times


      -BLINKS: -might be too quick


FIND300  - Irene

      -POPS: -some arm pops

                  -slight twitch in lower body before the turn


FIND400  - Daniel


FIND500  - Irene>>Aaron>>Irene

      -shift her weight onto her left leg for her second-to-last step

      -POPS: -*arms pop a couple of times while she turns/walks

                  -lessen the head movements a little

                  -check with me/Barbara for which one to use (yours or Aaron’s)


FIND600  - Irene

      -floaty  (in her arms as she is admiring it mostly)

      -floaty head

      -work on the left hand so that it stays on the piece and does not intersect

      -work on finger motion (right hand mostly)

      -back moves weird when she plays instrument

      -POPS: -*left hand

                  -right elbow/shoulder

      -BLINKS: -might be too quick


Easy  BUY050Jesse

      -POPS: -M’s head as he turns


BUY100 & 200 – Daniel>>Jesse

      -C’s right hand penetrates counter a couple times

      -some subtle finger motion for C—looks too frozen sometimes

      -change the hand on face thing?

      -POPS: -J’s right shoulder as M approaches with his piece

                  -*M’s body “rocks” throughout

      -*BLINKS: -all characters need more

      -*C’s HAIR: paint the weight off of the “problem hair” on his left side

      -*M’s GLOVES: Right and Left


Easy  BUY300  - Jen>>Irene

      -C needs facial

      -POPS: -C pops and snaps a few times

      -*BLINKS: -add to C with his facial


BUY400  - Daniel


END100  - Nick

      -something on Wife Beater’s wrist to cover problem

      -POPS: -*some popping/strange translation in hands


Easy  END200  - Nick

      -new hair on Wife Beater

      -something on Wife Beater’s wrist to cover problem

      -POPS: Wife Beater’s arm as he walks away



      -work in progress

      -add new customers

      -animate the creation of the piece

      -insert new glass pieces


      -hand interactions

      -take out rug, wood crate, and some of the unformed glass (to make room for the Old T’s)

      -M turns his head too fast towards C at the end

      -both characters’ hands kind of slide along the table while bracing

      -work on facial some more—M mostly

      -POPS: -*C’s motion while shaping the lip is jerky

                  -*C comes to a stop kind of stiffly in beginning